Formula E

Formula E: Zero-Emission Test Debut on World Environment Day

Rainy first day of testing at Donington Park

Formula E is marking this year’s World Environment Day with the start of pre-season testing at Donington Park. The 10 teams of the inaugural FIA Formula E Championship are getting to have their first shakedown of the fully-electric Spark Renault SRT-01E race cars ahead of next month’s official test. 

It couldn’t be more fitting. On World Environment Day, the United Nations Environment Programme calls on everyone to “raise your voice, not the sea level.” Formula E is answering the call by raising a new voice in a new era of motorsport racing – the voice of a zero-emission fully electric Spark-Renault SRT_01E race car.

Official testing in July is free and open to the public! Don’t miss this chance to be a part of history on July 3-4 and July 9-10.

Of course, this isn’t the first time the all-new Formula E car has been out on the track. The Spark-Renault SRT_01E completed its test debut at the La Ferté Gaucher circuit near Choisy-le-Roi, France in November 2013.

Two months later the car took a spin on the infamous Las Vegas strip. It was the first public roadshow of the new fully-electric race car.

In March, former F1 driver Jarno Trulli test drove the car – again back in France, but this time with a full race-mode battery (200kw or 270bhp).

One month later, Ho.Pin Tung – the first Chinese driver ever to pilot a Formula 1 car – hopped into the cockpit of the Spark-Renault SRT_01E in Monteblanco, Spain.

“Driving this car is very different from any other formula car, I would say,” he says.

It’s the beginning of a new era of motorsports on a day when the world is called on to help protect the environment. Formula E is doing its part, hoping to become a catalyst for research and development around the electric car and a platform to promote clean energy, mobility and sustainability.

DHL is committed to the same future as Formula E. With our global sustainability program GoGreen, we have already started to integrate e-mobility into our business. Right now we have more than 11,500 environmentally friendly vehicles on the streets around the world.

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