
Flats Blog: It ain’t so grim

It’s happening...and it ain’t getting any easier. I’m enjoying it, though.

This week saw my children either beginning or returning to school. This is dull, I'll concede, but it nevertheless injects a load of admin into a schedule that, last week on holiday, was as clear as a Somerset spring. 

Add in some actual work which sadly needs to be done and things start getting a little tight. I mean, one doesn't just collect kids and that's that. One cooks for them, launders their uniforms, assists with homework, bathes them, sings to them, and so on. So, lots of time seems simply to disappear. 

This means that getting to the gym is difficult. Actually, getting out into the garden for twenty minutes even drew a brace of hateful glances from the resentfully overloaded Mrs F. She's a very relaxed wife, mine, and she definitely thinks I'm a few stones too heavy, but even she can't quite accept physical exercise as a good enough reason for my leaving everything to her. 

I'm told the avoidance of unhelpful foods will become easier - a habit even - after a while.

Still, it happened. The jumpy runny garden circuit. It's happened a few times now, and it ain't getting any easier. I'm enjoying it, though. Except the running bit - I just seem to struggle badly with running no matter how hard I try. 

But we are getting it done. My intake of inappropriate food is reducing, and I think that I might even begin to relish eating healthily once a few meaty, sugary cravings are overcome. I'm told the avoidance of unhelpful foods will become easier - a habit even - after a while. In truth, I don't think that feeling will come before the end of this experiment, but that's ok. 

My weight remains obstinately constant, as it did throughout my playing days, so my coach's expectations might need managing on that front... 

Overall, it ain't so grim. Fit, healthy people aren't always smug. I'm starting to realise there's a good chance they're genuinely happier. You should try it!

And don't forget to follow my journey @DHLRugby. It'll certainly be more fun for you than it is for me.

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