Tokyo Announces 6th DHL Designer Award Winner
With the announcement of the DHL Exported program at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo in March, the focus this season was on DHL's role in supporting emerging designers as they get their start in a fiercely competitive industry. That's why it made perfect sense to announce Yasutoshi Ezumi as winner of the 6th annual DHL Designer Award then.
An initiative undertaken by DHL Japan in cooperation with Japan Fashion Week Organisation, the DHL Designer Award was one of the many local programs inspiring the global DHL Exported competition, which offers a path for fashion labels already strong in their home markets to expand internationally using DHL's logistics capacities along with a featured slot at one of four Fashion Week events worldwide, including Tokyo, next season.
“It is a great honor, and the staff of Yasutoshi Ezumi are all grateful. The support from DHL will be of great help this season, especially with my plans to bring our expansion to a global level.” – Yasutoshi Ezumi
In choosing Yasutoshi Ezumi from the dozens of designers showing their 2014-15 Autumn/Winter collections at Shibuya Hikarie, the judges behind the DHL Designer Award were recognizing a talented up-and-comer with the potential to make it big in a broader market. Selected for showing great creativity, skills and international potential, the label was awarded an overseas shipping credit worth from DHL, which they can use to expand their brand overseas.
Previous winners of the award include Dressed Undressed and A Degree Fahrenheit, which went on to be featured at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin.
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