
DHL Fashion Challenge

World MasterCard Fashion Week is about to hit Toronto and DHL’s got plenty in store for attendees – including the chance for design students to get their creations seen by the world.

Toronto is teeming with anticipation, as World MasterCard Fashion Week is set to stroll into town on October 21. Ahead of the action, DHL has teamed up with George Brown College to compete in its first “DHL Fashion Challenge.”

Students from the College have showcased their talents by creating unique couture creations from DHL shipping and packing materials – creative designs that you can see online on the DHL Express Canada Facebook pageExternal Link / New Window

Through October 28th at midnight CST, you can also vote on your favorite, as the Top 5 finalists will be able to display their designs during the DHL Fashion Industry Panel on Tuesday, October 22 at noon at #WMCFW in Toronto. 

The top 3 winners will be chosen by industry experts and renowned designers. Prizes will be awarded at the panel.
First Place: $4,000 scholarship + a day at Fashion Week to shadow Triarchy.
Second Place: $2,000 scholarship + a one-on-one mentoring session with Triarchy
Third Place: $1,000 scholarship

To attend the October 22 event, please RSVP to

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