Formula E

Introducing DHL’s Formula E-inspired Design Award!

Formula E cars racing in the 2014 Beijing ePrix

In celebration of the new FIA Formula E Championship – and with it the beginning of a new era in motorsports – and underscoring our commitment to sustainable environmental solutions for transportation, we’re pleased to announce the inauguration of a new vehicle design award: the DHL Blue Sky Transport Design Award!

Electric vehicles are set to revolutionize the future of transport. The technology is developing at lightning speed, and the challenges are great. Urban congestion and environmental change make sustainable transportation extremely vital.

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Inspired by the vision of Formula E, we are inviting you to come up with original ideas or practical solutions aimed at addressing these challenges and shaping the future of sustainable transportation.

Established and aspiring designers welcome
The DHL Blue Sky Transport Design Award is intended to encourage both established and aspiring vehicle designers to create transportation solutions that will shape the future of the logistics industry. Specifically, designers should consider means of meeting the challenges of urbanization and environmental sustainability. These could include solutions that offer cleaner air, sustainable growth, and greater efficiencies in the use of natural resources, sustainable production, improved technologies, ease of movement and so forth.

Design an electric transportation device or vehicle for private, public or commercial use and win GBP £10,000, see a prototype of your idea developed and enjoy a VIP experience at Formula E!

Using the world’s first fully electric racing championship – the FIA Formula E Championship – as its starting point, entrants are invited to design an electric-powered transportation device for private, public or commercial use. The winning design will be presented globally when the final race of the FIA Formula E Championship season is held in London on June 28, 2015. The winner will receive GBP £10,000 (€12,500) in prize money.

Jury of experts
“DHL’s partnership with Formula E is based on our shared commitment to a sustainable future,” said Ken Allen, CEO of DHL Express. “As the world’s leading logistics company, we have pioneered green technologies within the transportation sector and our aim is to pave the way in moving the world’s future trade flows with the minimal possible environmental impact.”

The award’s winner will be decided by a jury made up of high-ranking executives from Formula E, DHL, the Andretti FE racing team and Wired magazine. Chairman of the committee will be Paul Priestman, one of the world’s foremost transport designers and founder of PriestmanGoode, an award-winning London and China based design agency.

Criteria: originality, aesthetics, feasibility
“Formula E will undoubtedly inspire a new generation to embrace the potential of electric mobility,” Priestman said about the award. “Design can play a fundamental role both in tailoring our activities to the environment we live in and in utilizing the space and resources available to us as efficiently as possible.“

Entries for the Blue Sky Transportation Design Award can be submitted until April 27, 2015. The designs to be evaluated based on their originality, functionality, aesthetics, commercial feasibility and potential to solve the problems they are intended to address. For more details, go to

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